Monday, July 11, 2005


This is my first post. It has been a long time coming, for many different reasons. Through the various phases of my life, both good and bad, I have felt (and been counselled by others) that keeping a journal would help me reach goals, examine personal problems to gain both perspective and focus. It would help me record minutia that could otherwise be forgotten, and allow for expression of thoughts and feelings that otherwise get lost on the wyside. I will be able to revist all this data and its precision will help me understand the now more clearly. In theory at least...

ANYWAY. Back to practical matters. I said it was a long time coming. This is true in many ways. I weighed m yself yesterday for the first time in a while, maybe a couple months.

O N E - H U N D R E D - A N D - S E V E N T Y - F O U R - P O U N D S ! ! ! !

I stopped working out regulalry in the fall of last year. Towards October. I have been gorging myself ever since, not just eating a lot, but eating a lot of BAD foods, some stuff that I used to not eat often or even at all, like donuts, soda, BBQ. It has to stop. The gorging that is. If I can show moderation and respect myself by eating predominantly "healthful" foods, the the occaisonal donut, or brisket sandwich wont hurt. I just cant eat this stuff every day anymore.

Excersise: I HAVE TO DO IT!!! Three times a week AT LEAST. Ok, I've got to get back to work. I'm excited about this. I think it will be good for me.


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