Monday, January 29, 2007


THE MORE THINGS CHANGE, THE MORE THEY STAY THE SAME. It seems like the high water mark of 174 pounds was really that. Also, I can't really explain why I dropped to 157lbs last spring. If I had been documenting things all the time, maybe some insights would come out. I'm currently at 165lbs - 20% bodyfat according to my tanita scale, which is my only level of consistency over the years. With the ups and downs, this is where I seem to stabilize.

I have been trying to do the low glycemic style of eating, for about a week or so, as part of my efforts to get back in shape after a pretty self indulgent second half to 2006. Nothing as disasterous as what prompted me to start this blog, but I am tired of the paunchy tummy and kinda flabby overall coating I feel wrapped in. I'm thin, by pretty much all standards, especially in the American context. But I want to be ripped. I understand that much of it is genetic, and there probabaly isn't much I can do naturally and healthfully, but I can strive toward an ideal, as unattainable as it might be, and I know I can get close. I've been working out eery day for about 2 - 2 1/2 weeks now, keeping that consistent will play a big part in my efforts. The eating thing is tough. When I'm on my own, it's fine, but when I'm with the fam, that's hard. Especially with my reputation, when I sit down to dinner and I don't eat any bread, or rice, or order only veggies and salad as my side, refuse beer, I get funny looks. Having moved in to 838 made it harder, because now they're around all the friggin time. Transitional period. I'm trying to stay patient.